Configure Dashboard

Configure Dashboard

The SLA Monitoring Dashboard is an essential tool for managing and tracking Service Level Agreements (SLAs) within your organization.

This dashboard provides a comprehensive view of how well your SLAs are being met across different projects and issues, offering both detailed summaries and visual representations.

By using this dashboard, users can easily monitor the performance of SLAs, identify potential breaches and ensure that service commitments are being upheld.

Create/Edit a dashboard

In this time we need to create Jira Dashboard:

  • Navigate to the Jira Dashboard section.

  • Click on Create New Dashboard.

  • Give your dashboard a meaningful name, such as "SLA Monitoring Dashboard".

  • Set the appropriate sharing and permission settings, then save the dashboard.

How to add a gadget to a dashboard

5. Color fields SLA Cloud - Dashboard Search.png

To add a SLA gadget to your dashboard, follow these steps:

  • In your Jira dashboard, click on Add a new gadget.

  • In the search bar, type SLA Monitoring Summary or SLA Monitoring Pie Chart according to your choice.

  • Once you find the SLA gadget, click on Add.

You can add the following SLA Monitoring gadgets: SLA Monitoring Summary or SLA Monitoring Pie Chart.

Demo Configure SLA Dashboard

We have prepared a short demo that can help you understand how the plugin works. Enjoy watching.

Kepler - SLA Cloud - SLA Monitoring Gadgets.mp4


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