Files Overview

Files Overview

In the configuration page of Kepler - Attachment Fields Cloud, choose Files Overview tab.

This part allows you to see all your attached files stored by field.

You can perform several actions on these files like:

  1. View a file.
  2. Download a single file.
  3. Sort files by size, name, extension, or creation date.
  4. Delete a file.
  5. Search for a file or its field using the search input.
  6. Download all attached files in one single zip file (Feature planned soon.).

Fields of the file table:

  • Attach File: This is the name of your field.
  • File: This is the name of the file attached to this field.
  • Extension: This is the extension of the attached file.
  • Size: This is the size of the file in KB.
  • Creation: This is the creation date of the file.
  • Options:
  1. View icon: Allows you to download the attached file.
  2. Delete icon: Allows you to delete the attached file from the database as well as from storage space.

If you delete a specific file, it will be permanently removed from the database and storage bay.

However, this will not affect the field to which it was attached or the other files.

Make sure you do not need the file before deleting it.