Kepler - SQL Query Fields | Grids & Dashboards provides a REST API to enable you to get data from your database.
Using GET HTTP METHOD (Deprecated)
Base URL
The base URL to call the file SQL Custom Field is:
Required Parameters
Parameters | Explanation |
issueKey | key issue |
CutomfieldID | ID of your field ex : customfield_11100 |
dependentFields | an array converted to base64 which contains the list of fields with values of those which depend on the custom fields. |
An example of usage :
Using POST HTTP METHOD (since 2.13.1)
Base URL
The base URL to call the file SQL Custom Field is:
Required Body :
{ "customfieldId": "customfield_10000", "issueKey": "$issue.key", "allDependentFields": [ { "id": "customfield_10000", "value": "dependent_field_value" } ] }
Parameters | Explanation |
issueKey | key issue |
CutomfieldID | ID of your field ex : customfield_10000 |
dependentFields | a list of dependent field with values of each field |