


Kepler - Attachment fields | simple & multiple For Jira provides a REST API that enables you to retrieve and attach a document from an URL apart from the Jira context. 

Attach File :

You will need to perform an HTTP Post on the following URL :


Body :

		}, ......

Retreive file:

Base URL

The base URL to call the file Attach File Manager For Jira  is: 


Required Parameters 

customfield_Valuethe value of the custom field
base64(customfield_Value)The encoded value of the custom field
customfield_idThe String id of the custom field example: customfield_10000
issue_idint parameter : The identifier of the issue in question.
forceUTF8Boolean parameter not required with default value is false. If enable, you will ignore encoding mention in config page and use UTF-8 as default

An example of usage :

Delete file:

The deletion can be also tuned on the field configuration as you can choose to delete or archive the file Configuration of Kepler - Attachment fields | simple & multiple

Base URL

The base URL for deletion is as follows:


Where :

{1}: The encoded filename as base64, to delete, will be useful only on multiple types.

{2}: The id of the custom field that you want to delete. Example: customfield_10000.

{3}: The key of the issue for the deletion context.

Usage example :

curl --location --request DELETE 'localhost:2990/jira/rest/kepler/1.0/file-attach/delete?filenameEncoded=aW1hZ2UwMDItMTU3OTUwNDI3NjA4OGN1c3RvbWZpZWxkXzExMDAxLnBuZw==&customfieldId=customfield_10000&issueKey=DEV-1'