The SLA panel on the View Issue screen allows users to monitor SLA compliance by selecting a start date and end date, and then initiating the SLA timer.
The panel will display the results, including breached time, remaining time, elapsed time, start date and end date.
Visibility: The SLA panel is visible to all users viewing the issue in the View Issue screen.
Start Date Selection:
Users can select the start date for the SLA, which marks when the SLA timer begins.
The date and time picker used here is a Jira Date/Time Picker that must be created and configured in the Sla configuration page (as detailed in Configure Sla Section).
In this exemple, we use Actuel start.
End Date Selection:
Users can select the end date for the SLA, which marks when the SLA timer stops.
This date and time picker is also a Jira Date/Time picker, created and configured in Sla configuration page (as detailed in Configure Sla Section).
In this exemple, we use Actuel end.
Important Note on SLA Goal Configuration:
If you have configured an SLA goal in the SLA configuration, calculations will be based solely on this configured goal along with its respective start and end conditions. Consequently, any previously established start and end dates will not affect SLA calculations.
If no goals are configured, SLA calculations will instead rely on the original start and end datetime custom fields.
If you wish to perform calculations based on the original Start Date and End Date, you will need to delete the current SLA goal configuration.
Results Display:
Once the Start button is clicked, the following metrics will be displayed on the SLA panel:
Start Date: The selected start date is displayed for reference.
Estimated end Date: The estimated end date is displayed for reference.
Breached Time: The amount of time by which the SLA has been breached, if any.
Remaining Time: The time remaining until a potential SLA breach occurs.
Elapsed Time: The total time that has passed since the SLA start date.
You can simply refer to the screenshots below to see the results displayed on the SLA panel after selecting the start and end dates.
This is an example of all levels configured according to my SLA configuration.
Stop SLA
When working with the Jira start and end datetime custom fields, you can stop the SLA at any moment.
At that point, the SLA information will be saved for this issue.