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This guide provides instructions on how to configure SLA (Service Level Agreement) settings in your Jira system. Each section outlines the fields and options required for setting up an SLA.


List of SLA’s

In the configuration page of Kepler - SLA Cloud Config, select SLA’s tab.

The list of SLA created is displayed in this table. You can create, edit or delete a SLA from this page.


Add/Edit SLA

When you click Add a new SLA Configuration or Edit a SLA, you will have this template add an item.


Name : Enter a descriptive and unique name for your SLA configuration. This name will be used to identify the SLA in dashboards and reports.


Unit : Select your preferred measuring unit. This unit of time (e.g hours, days) will be used to measure the SLA.

Notifications: You can enable push notifications to receive alerts when the SLA starts or is breached.

To enable notifications in Chrome, you can follow this guide: How to Enable Browser Notifications.

Once notifications are enabled, ensure that https://[*.] is permitted to send notifications to your browser.

Panel Display: You can check the checkbox to choose whether to display the SLA panel or not.

Add Levels : Define multiple levels with corresponding colors. For example:

  • 0 <= level < 20150: GreenRed

  • 20 150 <= level < 40360: OrangeYellow

  • 40 360 <= level Red< 900: Green

The colors change based on the elapsed time.



Conditions take more priority over Goals.

Demo Configure SLA

We have prepared a short demo that can help you understand how the plugin works. Enjoy watching.


Demo Multiple SLA Configurations

We have prepared a short demo that can help you understand how the plugin works. Enjoy watching.
