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 Autocomplete type is a feature that allows Kepler - SQL Query Fields | Grids & Dashboards custom field to automatically complete the remain of a word given by the user.

Autocomplete type Configuration steps

  1. Choose your datasource created here;
  2. Select Autocomplete  customfield type;
  3. Put your SQL query;
  4. Put your column alias;
  5. Put your column name to be displayed ;
  6. Choose the loading data type (Manual or Automatique);
  7. Select if the search for the entred word should be in all the data returned by the query, or only at the begining;
  8. Select if the search is case sensitive or not;
  9. Put the number of characters to be entered to start the search;
  10. Put the number of results returned by the  the query;
  11. You can add dependent fields;
  12. Test your configuration and click on done.

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