Comparaison des versions


  • Ces lignes ont été ajoutées. Ce mot a été ajouté.
  • Ces lignes ont été supprimées. Ce mot a été supprimé.
  • La mise en forme a été modifiée.

On the tab 'Configuration' , the user has to fill the folowing following fields :

  1. Set the beginning date/time (a custom field who define the beginning date of a process or by default = date creation)
  2. Set the end date/time (a custom field who define the end date of a process or by default = current date)
  3. Measuring unit (Minute/Hour/Day)
  4. If you want to display the field value tick Yes
  5. Define the minimum value to display (by default = 0)
  6. Define the field value format according to the mesuring unit chosen. Example : ###,00 and measuring unit =Day means that the value will be displayed on three positions "020.00" twenty days.
  7. Choose the shape of the flag (Circle, Square or Diamond)
  8. By clicking on "Add" you can add as many indicators as you need
  9. By clicking in, a color palette will be displayed and you could set the color of your indicator
  10. The interval start value
  11. The interval end value
  12. Use the X button to delete an indicator
  13. At the end Save the configuration by clicking on the buton button "Done" , else click on the buton button 'Cancel' , to cancel the configuration


To choose a working calendar , click on the tab "'Planning"'