Comparaison des versions


  • Ces lignes ont été ajoutées. Ce mot a été ajouté.
  • Ces lignes ont été supprimées. Ce mot a été supprimé.
  • La mise en forme a été modifiée.

In the same page where you created Datasource, click on "Fields" tab to switch to the Fields list.


  1. To create a new field, click on "Add a new custom field".
  2. Or click the button "Pensil" in the list of fields to update one.
  3. Fill in all the necessary inputs in the popup, according to your configuration.
  4. Then click on ''Test'' to check the query.
  5. Finally, click on "Save" button.

Before saving, the plugin automatically tests the validity of the connection and SQL request. If there is a problem, the field cannot be saved.

For the inputs, here are their descriptions:


titleRead Only Option

If "Read Onlyis marked as false, you can save selected valeu in issue view.

  • Associated Project: In order to link the field to a specific project, we must add project key. We can add multiple project.
  • Associated Issue Type: In order to link the field to a specific issue type. In this section, we can see How to get the Type Issue ID or read officiel Atlassian documentation Finding the Issue Type ID in Jira Cloud.


titleVisibility Field

You can control the visibility of Field in an issue with the "Associated Project" and "Associated Issue Type" parameters.

  • Child Fields: Child Child fields to display in user view. You can add many separating by coma comma ",".

We have to remember that we can add child fields if field types are Select or Autocomplete only.
