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  • Ces lignes ont été ajoutées. Ce mot a été ajouté.
  • Ces lignes ont été supprimées. Ce mot a été supprimé.
  • La mise en forme a été modifiée.

For better management, Kepler - Color fields | SLA & Custom actions gives you the possibility to configure one or more working calendar. 

So, in the main header, go to Apps Dropdown and select Kepler - SLA Cloud Config and select Calendars tab.


List of Calandars

The list of calanderies created is displayed in this table. You can create, edit or delete a calendar from this page.


Name : Set the name of the new calendar.

Description : Set the description of the new calendar.

Working days : Click on the checkbox to choose the working day of the week.

  • Define the start time of work for each working day.
  • Define the end time of work for each working day.

Holidays : Click 'Add new holiday' if you want add new Holiday to the calendar.


Save : After filling all the fields, save the new calendar by clicking on Save.

Close : Cancel creation.

Demo Configure Working Calendar

We have prepared a short demo that can help you understand how the plugin works. Enjoy watching.

View file
nameKepler - SLA Cloud - Working Calendar.mp4