Comparaison des versions


  • Ces lignes ont été ajoutées. Ce mot a été ajouté.
  • Ces lignes ont été supprimées. Ce mot a été supprimé.
  • La mise en forme a été modifiée.


titleTemplate HTML

In your email template, it's imperative to include the placeholders ##username## and ##code##.

A simple suggested format might be:

Greetings, ##username##.

<br />
For secure access, please use the following MFA code: ##code##.
<br />

Commentaire HTML

Greetings, ##username##.

<br />
For secure access, please use the following MFA code: ##code##.
<br />

4. To finalize the setup and after ensuring all details have been correctly entered, click on the "Save" button to commit the changes. The setup process is now complete. 


As a result, MFA is successfully enabled for all users in the mentioned groups.

titleSMTP Configuration

The plugin uses the SMTP Mail Server configured by default in your Jira instance.

More information exists on the documentation site: Configuring an SMTP mail server to send notifications

titleMFA in Mobile version

To secure your MFA in mobile version, please refer to Mobile Version section.
